Feb 28

Are You Using Vero?


Vero has come out of nowhere to take over app stores everywhere! With 500,000 downloads in less than 24 hours alone this new social media platform is coming for frustrated Instagram users.

The platform shows posts in chronological order. Instagram changed the way they show posts last year to no longer show user posts in chronological order but instead by their algorithm that shows users what Instagram thinks the user wants to see. This has been a huge headache for users which is why many are flocking to Vero’s platform.

Within the app, users can share images, links and texts, review books, tv shows and movies, and connect with friends. An interesting part of the platform is that you can assign your connections as either a close friend, friend, acquaintance or follower. So, when you share a new post you can select what level connection can see the post. For example, if you share a picture of your child, you could choose only close friends can see the photo. Or if you are a business sharing links to your website you can share with all levels down to follower.

Vero also brings content with ZERO ads! How do they make money? Well currently they are not earning money off the app but in the future they plan to charge users a small fee in order to use the service. They promised the first one million users would be able to use Vero free for life and newer users will probably end up paying a few dollars a year.

After signing up, Vero’s initial email shared that the site is a “relationship first social network.” The aim of Vero is to “align physical world relationships to the online experience, providing you a seamless way to share content with your network of friends and deliver a true connection with the people that matter to you.”

In the current beta phase of the app it has definitely not been smooth sailing. Every time I have tried to post I receive an error that the server has timed out. Other users have screenshot that their friends list is empty when it shouldn’t be. It will be interesting to see if the social media app can get through these bumps and become a real contender in the world of Facebook and Instagram.

Make sure to connect with me on Vero!

About The Author

I was born and raised in Spartanburg, South Carolina and moved to Charleston for college. I graduated with a degree in accounting from College of Charleston. I then began working for a retail store managing its online shopping presence. I monitored and updated the company’s website and online shopping cart as well as creating shopping sites on Amazon, eBay, Etsy, and Shopatron. I also have extensive experience with social media marketing and search engine optimization. In my free time I enjoy reading, watching movies, traveling and going on great adventures! I live in Summerville with my husband and our two dogs and two cats.